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Theme for the Week - Father's Day



















Father's Day is a great day to show Dad how much you appreciate him. Here are some fun activities for you to do to help your little one love and appreciate Daddy even more. Here's a link that helps you talk about the origin of Father's Day


Letter of the Week: F - for Father's Day. Point out things that start with "F" - finger, feather, fondue. Show your toddler a picture of both a capital F and a lower case f. Draw a  F on paper and let him/her trace over it, or use your child's finger to draw it in the sandbox or dirt. Use bath tub or refrigerator letters to show him/her this letter as well. 


Number of the Week: 17  - When you show your child anything say "17 grapes" (or whatever you are counting). Write the number 17 on paper or show your toddler a flash card. Show your child 17 things at a time and count them - "one, two, three, four..."  - so your child gets used to the pattern. If nothing else, hearing the number is good for him/her. Don't be afraid of talking about 2-digit numbers.


Songs of the Week:  Here's a cute video from Bryant Oden: 





















Story of the Week: My Father's Dragon - This book is in the public domain and it features several stories about a dad and his adventures. Check out the link to the pudcast I did where I read the entire book. 


Snack of the Week:  pick Dad's favorite snacks and have your child serve it to Dad. Both will love it!


Spanish Words of the Week: father - el padre, dad - papá, man - el hombre, hug - el abrazo. 


Do It Myself: Give Dad a Hug - Make sure your toddler knows what a hug is by showing him how to hug Dad or Granddad or really anyone! 


Activity of the Week: Father's Day Wallet Card - Cut out a credit card-sized piece of card stock or thin cardboard. Then have your little one decorate it with markers or crayons - maybe even help them cut out pictures from catalogs or print some and glue them on. This little keepsake is something Dad can carry around with him and it will remind him of his little one for a LONG time!


Yoga Pose: Mountain-  Since Daddy's as big as a mountain!  PS - Our kids always liked the Yoga Kids series if you'd like more ideas for doing yoga with your toddler. 


Sign Language Sign of the Week: Daddy.   If your toddler is still learning how to talk, sign language can be a great way for him/her to communicate.  And as they get older, they'll pick up signs faster and it can be more of a fun thing versus a way to communicate.    


Remember to give your toddler/preschooler a hug and tell him/her you love them. Hope you have a wonderful week!   

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