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Red Head Baby

Hello, We Are Teaching Your Toddler

I started Teaching Your Toddler back when my youngest was a toddler so I could share my ideas with other stay at home parents, new moms, babysitters and nannies so they could have a fun at-home curriculum for their children on a weekly basis. 


It is meant to teach some basic skills and mostly just to have a little structure in your day while enjoying your child. It's not a curriculum or certification - it's purely for fun and entertainment. I hope you learn and enjoy the ideas I have here. 


Please take the cue from your child - if any of these ideas are too advanced, you can modify them, or skip that particular activity/idea.  Please use your best judgement and I'll try to give you as much of my own experience as possible to help you decide for yourself. 


I would love more ideas and your thoughts on what's here. Please email us at and if you like what you see, please tell your friends!


I'm an author, blogger and editor as well as a mother to 5 kids. I am a published author of How to Raise An American Patriot, Making it Okay for Our Kids to Be Proud to Be American available at or on Amazon.


I am the former Editor in Chief of Family First ( one of the oldest family-oriented websites on the internet.  I am also a career marketer - find me on LinkedIn here


Our family lives in Colorado where we enjoy running, hiking, camping and roller hockey and we have a goofy Newf/Golden Retriever mix named Bo.

MarijoTinlin Founder of TYT

Marijo Tinlin

Founder & Creator

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