Theme for the Week - Snow
With this being some of the coldest temperatures and most snow for many parts of the world, this week we'll have some fun learning more about snow and things that go along with that. Have fun with a great book about snow, sing Winter songs, make a couple of snow projects and learn some new signs and Spanish. Have a great week!
Letter of the Week: S - point out things that start with "S" - sign, song, silly, sandwich. Show your toddler a picture of both a capital S and a lower case s. Draw an S on paper, or use your child's finger to draw it in the sandbox or dirt. Use bath tub or refrigerator letters to show him/her this letter as well. I've been showing my toddler letters in the bathtub - he has started recognizing them now; he's got almost half the alphabet now. You can even use flashcards a little at a time.
Number of the Week: 2 - When you show your child anything say "2 sandwiches" (or whatever you are counting). Count to 2. Write the number 2 on paper or show your toddler a flash card. Show your child 2 things at a time and count them - "one, two" - so your child gets used to the pattern. When I have been counting to my son, he now points to things and makes sounds like he's trying to count and he can identify 1-9 now.
Songs of the Week: Winter Songs - We found this fun website that has many many short songs about Winter to sing with your toddler to familiar tunes.
Story of the Week: Snowy Day- by Ezra Jack Keats. This is one of the classics - it won the Caldecott Medal in 1963. It has bright illustrations your toddler will enjoy. If you can't find this book at your local library, you can click the link and find it at
Snack of the Week: Snowman Face - This might be a little messy - spread some yogurt or hummus on a plate or on the high chair tray. Add raisins or olives for eyes, carrot slice for a nose and an apple slice for a mouth. If you don't feel comfortable with these items for your child just yet, you can use other softer items like crackers, cooked carrots, etc.
Spanish Words of the Week: Snow = la nieve, cold = frío, ice = el hielo, Winter =el invierno
Do It Myself: Make a Snow Ball - If your little one can't make a ball with his/her hands, use a plastic cup or small milk carton and put the snow in the container. Then let your little one throw the snow! If you don't have snow, crush ice and pretend!
Activity of the Week: Snow Ice Cream - Only use freshly-fallen snow that you've collected in a gallon container or that you got from the very top layer of fresh snow. I remember making snow ice cream in preschool as a kid many years ago. Your toddler will remember this fun activity.
Yoga Pose: Rabbit Pose - My older kids suggested this since we have many, many rabbits running around our yard and you can see lots of tracks in the snow on the ground here in Colorado. It is a GREAT back stretch especially if you carry stress in your upper back. Your toddler will think it's funny trying to do this pose too! PS - Our kids always liked the Yoga Kids series if you'd like more ideas for doing yoga with your toddler.
Sign Language Sign of the Week: Snow, Cold, Play. If your toddler is still learning how to talk, sign language can be a great way for them to communicate. And as they get older, they'll pick up signs faster and it can be more of a fun thing versus a way to communicate. Hope you have a wonderful week!